Thursday, November 12, 2009

Interviews: Questions for your potential employer

Always create at least three questions before your interview for your potential employer during the interview so that you are prepared when they ask, "Do you have any questions for us?" Even if they don't ask you that question you should say, "Actually, I have a few questions about this company, may I ask you at this time?"

I suggest looking at the company's website to get ideas for questions. Here are some possible questions:

+How soon will this position start?

+When will you be making your hiring decision?

+What benefits are included with this position?

+How many people will I work with directly in this position?

+Are their opportunities for advancement within this company?

+Are their opportunities for professional development within this company (courses, conferences, etc.)?

More Specific
+If you interview with a non-profit it may be wise to ask a question pertaining to fundraising such as, "Will I be fundraising?" Or, "How much of my time will be devoted to fundraising?"

+What is a "day in the life" like for someone in this position?

+Ask a specific question about one of their newest projects or developments. This will demonstrate that you've done your homework and investigated the company website.

+How much of my time will be devoted to specific tasks? Tasks will depend on the type of job. For example: travel time, time with clients, grant writing, fundraising, field work versus indoor work, etc.

+Don't ask about your salary during your first interview.

+Don't let the company "bait you" on the first interview about salary. If they ask something like, "What salary range are you looking for?" during your first interview your response could be, "My salary is negotiable. I will have to consider the cost of living in this area and what I would be doing on a daily basis for the company."

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